Italian Sausages

Monday, August 25, 2008

Ideal for quick lunch/dinner.

Level of difficulty: Very low
Level of complicated-ness: Very low
Time of Preparations: +/- 5 minutes
Time of Cooking: +/- 10 minutes

  • 3 sausages/franks (prefer beef), slice diagonally
  • 1/4 Capsicum (bell pepper), slice well
  • 1/4 Onion, slice well
  • 1 small Rome Tomato, slice well
  • Salt and Black pepper to taste (you can use white pepper instead of black pepper)
  • 3 tbsp Olive Oil/ Cooking oil
  • cook onion in high heat for 1 minute
  • add capsicum, stir well
  • add the sausage, stir until the sausage cook, the onion turn translucent
  • add the tomato, salt and pepper taste.
  • stir all the ingredient well and continue cook for +/- 2 minutes
served hot

for 1 portion

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